Root Canal Treatment

Sometimes our teeth decay, and we may have the opportunity to fix them with dental fillings, or the only solution may be to extract the teeth. Apart from the two treatments mentioned, one of the ways to save your teeth is root canal treatment.

What does a root canal mean?

Root canal treatment is one of the most crucial dental procedures in dentistry. This treatment is for those who have an infected root canal by bacteria which causes severe pain. The primary purpose is to clean the infected area from the bacteria and avert reinfection of your tooth and save your original tooth. During the procedure, the dentist cleans the infected area and the pulp. Then, the dentist finalises the treatment with a filling.

When do you need a root canal?

Root canal treatment is a kind of dental treatment for those who have long neglected decayed or badly infected teeth. In addition, root canal treatment can be a solution for a decayed tooth that has been neglected for a long time; or for teeth that are broken or damaged due to trauma.

What are the symptoms of a root canal problem?

There are a lot of different reasons that cause toothache. Not everyone may know these reasons. Therefore, with the proper treatment by a specialist dentist, your tooth can regain its former health. The important thing is to make the correct diagnosis and treatment. Let’s see what these symptoms are together:

Constantly aching teeth: It is difficult to suffer from toothache day and night. As It is said before, a toothache can have many causes. The most important symptom of a root canal problem is a toothache that makes you wake up at night; or a toothache that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

Hot and Cold sensitivity: If you experience severe pain, soreness or sensitivity in your teeth when you drink a hot or cold beverage or eat ice cream, the problem is the root canal.

Swollen and inflamed gums: After having an infected tooth, that area can have pus, which can result in tender, swollen and reddish gums.

Bad breath: Inflammation in the gums can cause bad breath.

Swollen jaw: When the pus that goes deep into the roots of the teeth is not removed, it can cause swelling in the jaw area.

Tooth discolouration: Tooth pulp becomes infected; therefore, it loses its colour its whiteness and becomes darker. The major problem is not having enough bloodstream in the tooth. As a result, tooth discolouration occurs.

Pain with pressure: If you have pain while you eat something or touch your teeth, it means that the nerves in the tooth root -the pulp- are damaged.

You can break your tooth as a result of an accident, fall from somewhere, or you can crack your tooth while playing sports. Anything can happen. If you do not treat your tooth as a result of negligence, bacteria may enter the tooth roots and cause undesirable consequences.

Your tooth may loosen. The pus in the infected root can weaken the tooth and the bone so that it may loosen sooner or later. You may experience tooth loss over time.

How long does the procedure take?

It depends on the number of infected teeth. It can require one or two appointments, depending on how infected the pulp is. Root canal treatment, which usually takes one hour, can take up to two hours, based on the size and number of the canal.

During the root canal procedure:

After the dentist tells you to have root canal treatment in the preliminary examination, we take an X-ray of the infected area. The purpose of an X-ray is to see how infected the tooth root is and its general condition. In general, the procedure is as follows:

The dentist gives anesthesia to numb the infected area. Then, a small hole is made in the tooth to access the canal. The dentist removes and clears nerves and tissues inside the tooth- a pulp removal-After that, the cleared canal is filled with a dental material. Finally, the dentist makes a temporary dental filling to protect the root from bacteria. After ten days, you will come back for the final appointment. Either a dental filling or a dental crown will be required to complete the treatment. This process is concluded by choosing the treatment that suits you.

What are the advantages of root canal treatment?

The main advantages of root canal treatment are:

  • It prevents teeth loss.
  • It averts infection from spreading to other teeth.
  • It scales down the risk of jawbone impairment.
  • It alleviates the symptoms related to an infected tooth.

What other options are there for a root canal?

Root canal treatment is a universal dental procedure that is used to maintain teeth and prevent the need for tooth extraction. The procedure involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp from inside the tooth and replacing it with a filling material. That allows you to keep a healthy, natural smile and avoid the potential downsides of tooth loss, such as difficulty chewing and speaking.

However, in some cases, a root canal may not be possible or may not be the best option for your dental health. Your dentist will always seek to save your natural tooth where possible. If the tooth is badly damaged or if you have severe gum disease that prevents healing after treatment, they may recommend extraction as an alternative. It is crucial to discuss all your options with your dentist to make an informed decision about your dental care.

How long is the recovery period after treatment?

Following administration of a local anaesthetic, it is normal for several hours to elapse before sensation returns to the jaw and face. During this period, it is recommended that the affected area be treated with great care to avoid any accidental bumping or knocking. In the event of discomfort after the anaesthetic has worn off, it is advisable to take over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, for the next few days. You should be able to resume work after the procedure.

Minor tenderness around the area may be experienced, but this is typically a transient and short-lived phenomenon. Swelling and bruising around the tooth may also occur, but this should resolve within two weeks following the treatment.

The timing of your next dental appointment will depend on the nature of your treatment and the outcome of the procedure. Further X-rays and check-ups may be necessary to ensure the tooth is healing properly.

Following treatment, it is imperative that you take appropriate measures to care for your repaired tooth.

After a root canal, am I able to eat?

It is permissible to eat after undergoing a root canal procedure. However, it is recommended to wait until the effect of the anaesthesia wears off. The duration of the numbness usually lasts for a few hours.

During the initial days following the procedure, it is advisable to consume soft foods such as mashed potatoes, pasta, and yoghurts. Solid food should be gradually introduced as one’s level of comfort improves.

It is also significant to avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth and instead, chew on the opposite side of the mouth until a permanent dental restoration is in place.

How will my tooth appear after the root canal treatment?

A tooth with a healthy pulp typically exhibits a yellowish-white shade. In contrast, a pulp-free tooth that is sealed with a filling instead of being crowned may eventually develop a greyish tinge. Root canal treatment has traditionally been associated with causing teeth to darken. However, modern techniques enable dentists to minimize this effect and leave the tooth looking more natural in colour.

Why should I get a root canal treatment?

When a tooth is damaged, harmful bacteria can infiltrate its interior, leading to inflammation, discomfort, and swelling. In the event that the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected, the infection can spread to the pulp within the root canal. The purpose of root canal therapy is to salvage the tooth by eliminating the damaged pulp and treating the infection. Root canal treatment may be necessary for various reasons, such as:

  • gum disease
  • severe tooth decay
  • a cracked tooth,
  • a broken crown,
  • repeated dental procedures on the tooth,
  • cracked or loose fillings,
    or an injury, such as a blow to the mouth.

If left untreated, an infection in a tooth can spread and develop into an abscess, which is a collection of pus. This can cause swelling around the tooth and jaw, and the affected area may become painful and tender. Additionally, a tooth with a dead or dying nerve may appear darker in color than surrounding teeth. If you are experiencing toothache or would like more information on root canal treatment, we recommend contacting your dentist. It’s vital to address dental issues as soon as possible to maintain good oral health and prevent further complications.

How painful is a root canal?

We understand that root canal therapy can cause apprehension for some patients. Please know that the procedure is not associated with significant pain, and a local anaesthetic is typically administered to ensure your comfort. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to inform your dentist, who can provide reassurance and support.

At our practice, we want you to feel comfortable and at ease during your root canal therapy. We offer dental sedation to enhance your comfort, and our team is here to answer any questions you may have.

It’s natural to feel worried about experiencing tooth pain after the procedure. However, most patients experience immediate relief following root canal therapy, as the source of infection has been eliminated. If you do experience persistent throbbing pain, please reach out to your healthcare provider right away. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

What are the common complications of root canal infection/tooth pulp?

It is imperative to address tooth pulp infection as there are various options available for its management. Failure to do so may lead to further complications. These complications may include:

  • The spread of infection is a significant concern when the pulp becomes infected, as it loses its inherent ability to combat such a spread. The pulp chamber, when infiltrated by bacteria, serves as a suitable environment for bacterial multiplication, leading to the development of an infection or an endodontic abscess, which is a cluster of pus. If the infection is allowed to proliferate, it can spread to the surrounding bone and cause severe damage.
  • Bone losses: In cases where there is bone loss in the area, an infected root canal could potentially cause the spread of infection to the surrounding jaw bone, leading to erosion. It is imperative to take necessary measures to prevent such an occurrence as it could result in serious complications.
  • Tooth loss is a serious issue that can impact both one’s eating habits and appearance. In some cases, the affected tooth may need to be extracted, which can lead to further complications. Tooth replacement options are available; however, they may be limited if the infection has already caused advanced bone loss. It is important to seek professional dental care as soon as possible to prevent tooth loss and its associated consequences.

If root canal treatment does not work for you after being examined carefully by the dentist, you will have other options such as tooth extraction, a dental bridge, and dental implants. Please check out our treatments page for further information.

Contact our team as soon as possible, and get the opportunity to experience and know Turkey dent, Antalya while having a beautiful smile and teeth.

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